sKAITO Votes
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What is sKAITO?
Stakers receive sKAITO after staking KAITO. Stakers can then use sKAITO to vote on projects on the Yapper Launchpad.
How is the voting power of sKAITO calculated?
The total voting power of sKAITO will be a function of the following parameters:
sKAITO: The number of sKAITO held
Hodler Score (h): The longest uninterrupted holding period for sKAITO without an Adjustment Event
Time-Weighted Score (t): Time-weighted sKAITO voted for a particular project over the most recent 7-day period
Exchange Rate (M): Dynamic rate based on total Yapper Votes and Genesis NFTs voting pool
Note that each sKAITO is capped at 0.0001% of Total Voted Yapper Votes. This is reflected under 'Current Cap' when a user hover over sKAITO Holder Votes ratio.
Where can I see the real-time Holder Votes per sKAITO?
Refer to the top banner where a user are able to see “1 sKAITO ≈ X Holder Votes”.
How does sKAITO votes differ from other votes (eg Yaps, Smart Followers, Genesis NFTs)?
Given that sKAITO is fungible, the system evaluates time-weighted voting for sKAITO.
As a result, the impact of votes accrues over time (multiplied by t), relative to the voting pool.
Does that mean sKAITO votes will reflect in the voting pool only very slowly?
The impact of sKAITO is always determined by its relative Time-Weighted Score (t).
In the beginning, since no sKAITO has accrued any time yet, the sKAITO votes cast in the first hour will immediately split the entire sKAITO voting pool.
At a later stage, the impact of any sKAITO accrues over time and is measured relative to the entire sKAITO voting pool.
What is the Hodler Score (h)?
The Hodler Score (h) measures how long a user has held sKAITO relative to the weighted market average. This score is calculated and updated every hour.
If h > 1: The user has a longer-than-average holding time, resulting in a higher voting power.
If h < 1: The user has a shorter-than-average holding time, leading to a lower voting power.
How is the Hodler Score (h) calculated?
The system measures the longest uninterrupted holding period for sKAITO without an Adjustment Event. The holding time is then scaled using a logarithmic transformation, ensuring that:
The longest holder receives a maximum multiplier of 4x on their Hodler Score (h) compared to the most recent holder, incentivizing long-term holding.
The gap in Hodler Score (h) between holders narrows disproportionately faster in the early stages for new participants, incentivizing newer voters.
An Adjustment Event is triggered if any of the following conditions are met:
The current holding falls below 90% of the maximum holding in the past 30 days.
The current holding falls below 80% of the maximum holding in the past 60 days.
The current holding falls below 70% of the maximum holding in the past 90 days.
The current holding falls below 60% of the maximum holding in the past 180 days.
The current holding falls below 50% of the maximum holding in the past 360 days.
What is the Time-Weighted Score (t)?
The Time-Weighted Score (t) measures how long a user's votes remain in a project compared to the weighted average among all voters over 7-day period (calculated and refreshed every hour).
If t > 1: The user's votes remain with the project over a longer period, resulting in a higher voting power.
If t < 1: The user's votes remain with the project over a shorter period, leading to a lower voting power.
What details can be seen when a user votes with sKAITO?
When a user votes with sKAITO, the wallet address, number of sKAITO voted and corresponding amount of Holder Votes will be displayed under “Vote Details”.